Suara Sound Academy
Courses, Workshops, Retreats in Cornwall, UK

Debbi Walker BSc (Hons)
B.MSc Metaphysical Science
Hello and a warm welcome to Suara Sounds.
I am Debbi Walker, the proud founder, principle teacher and director of Suara Sound Academy and Suara Sounds which has delivered high quality professional international and national Sound Healing Courses for the past 13 years. I have recorded music that relates to my sounds over the years weaving tuning forks, tubular chimes, my voice and music into a rich tapestry for a relaxing experience.
I have worked in Health and Healing for 37 years, and for 12 years I was a district nurse in the National Health Service. I have a first class honours degree in Tissue healing. I no longer work in this field, as in 2009 I became very poorly with ME/CFS and my contract was terminated. Feeling alone and lost, bereft of my beloved nursing, I had never felt so much the "Dark night of my Soul". I was at breaking point, when I discovered vibrational energy healing in the form of EFT, Transformational healing and then Sound Therapy. I used this holistic approach to nourish my mind, body, spirit and Soul. Now I have no ME/CFS symptoms, I enjoy the knowledge I have my own health and well being energy in my own hands and insights and spiritual guidance allows me to process this. I have a thirst for knowledge and enjoy all aspects of learning. My intuition and psychic awareness has soared since using the sacred sounds, and being a clearer channel for Source I am a psychic intuitive healer, being clairaudient, clairvoyant, clairsentient, and have claircognizance.
Over the past years I have researched diligently and worked with sacred sound frequency. I have found the science background of nursing paved the way to do extensive research on just HOW these amazing sounds can raise your internal frequency. Suara Sound Academy was born in 2011 and goes from strength to strength (Suara means 'Sound Healing' in the Indonesian language) and I teach Tuning Fork Sound Therapy courses, retreats and workshops nationally and internationally. I have now shared Tuning Fork Sound Therapy with literally thousands of people at fayres, festivals and workshops. I have frequencies that are bespoke to Suara Sound Academy that have been channelled; the Stellar Gateway, Celestial Gate, Mermaid and Dolphin, Isis, Temple and Sound of Nature, Ocean Soul and Ancestor.
It is very clear how easy it is for anyone, any age and with any health condition to use the tuning forks. A book I have written called "How to Fork Yourself" adds to this self- empowerment, so people can really take their own health into their own hands. It works by listening, then clearing, cleansing and balancing the auric field and energy centres. A sense of peace, harmony and love is felt. People with cancer, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and many other health challenges are enjoying a better quality of life. A lady who is deaf heard the sounds; people are becoming pain free of conditions termed as untreatable.
​Suara Sound Academy is an Independent Teaching School registered and recognised by the British Complementary Medicine Association UK. We are a training organisation with Holistic Insurance Services Ltd and a Platinum provider with the International Institute of Complementary Therapy.
My passion for creating my sounds is a little like an artist has when they have a vision of what they wish to portray using artist mediums such as paints, chalks, etc. I feel my way around what I wish to create whether it is through my tubular chimes, music, vocals. No two pieces of my Sound/Music Alchemy will ever be the same. It is in that particular Moment of that time, which lends itself for total immersion of whatever I have created. I capture the essence of my pure intention whilst playing my chimes, using my voice or creating the musical story with Josiah which he then interprets beautifully.
Many of my sounds are channelled to me when I am in deep meditation, I then have them made into tuning forks or tubular chime pipes and these are very well received from students and clients alike.
There appears to be a wholeness to the sounds as they blend with each other. Some of my albums are the chimes, some music based on my channelled sounds, with some having the blending of the pipe or tuning forks through the music. Others also have my voice which I tone around the music as it touches my heart and Soul.
Tuning Forks and Sound Healing Courses by Debbi Walker (suarasoundhealing.com)
Click on the Mandalas below to see more

How to Fork Yourself & Others
View my video on how to Fork Yourself here
How to use Tuning Forks for Health & Wellbeing and Meditation.
Videos, music, live demonstrations.